The Pacifica Foundation was born in the late 1940s out of the peace movement surrounding World War Two. Lewis Hill, a conscientious objector, and Washington, D.C. newsman, was fired from his mainstream reporting job when he refused to misrepresent the facts.
The Lewis Hill Legacy Circle honors the philanthropic leadership and vision of individuals who have provided for the future of public broadcasting by making a Legacy gift.
Legacy Gifts Include:
Membership Benefits:
"Listener sponsorship is an answer to the practical problem of getting better radio programs and keeping them. But it involves, as a theory of radio, an analysis of the problem as well as an answer to it. The theory advances not only an economic innovation for broadcasting but an interpretation of the facts of life in American radio. And actually it begins in a concern with some of the facts of life in general. I imagine we can agree that if a sound is worth passing through the magnificent apparatus of a microphone, a transmitter, and your receiving set, it ought to convey some meaningful intelligence. There are innumerable ways of wasting time and generating nonsense, and there are also uncounted ways of making money, many of which may be pursued in broad daylight. But the elaborate machinery and the peculiar intimacy of the radio medium have better and more basic uses. The theory I want to discuss rests on two particular assumptions: first, that radio can and should be used for significant communication and art; and second, that since broadcasting is an act of communication, it ought to be subject to the same aesthetic and ethical principles as we apply to any communicative act, including the most personal." - Lewis Hill, Founder of the Pacifica Foundation
How to Add KPFK in Your Planned Giving:
Please contact Anyel Z. Fields at (818) 985-2711 or email to discuss including KPFK as part of your planned givings.
11:30pm - Midnight
Línea Abierta, national Spanish-language talk and call-in program.
Midnight - 1:00am
News and programming on the cutting edge - dynamite radio for night people
1:00am - 2:00am
Political Economy Tues, Holistic Health Wed, Anti-Fascism Thu, Philosophy/Psychology/Spirituality Fri
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High: 63°F | Low: 52°F